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Books For A New Beat Generation

Coming Soon!

Indian Summer by Rob Massey

Coming Soon!

Indian Summer by Rob Massey


Perfect Bound  paperback

165 pages

ISBN 978-1-326-66620-0

This is a great debut by an engaging author who writes from experience.

There are elements that evoke a sense of Colin MacInnes novel Absolute Beginners, and moments that are like the original tale that Nik Cohn wrote and was later developed into the blockbusting American movie Saturday Night Fever. Yes - Rob Massey has produced a novel that really captures the British urban young man educating himself.

It’s summertime in England and the flowers are in bloom. But, for a recent college boy like Artie, the prospects are not good. These are the early eighties and there’s a collapsing economy and three million unemployed.

So what does Artie do? Does he let it put him off his stride? That’s not the way he lives his life. The big, bad age of responsibility is on the horizon so he’s going to enjoy himself while he can. Forget the negative, concentrate on the music, the clothes, the parties, the other delights out there.

There’s fun to be had and he’s going to find it in the technicolor world of rhythm and soul that emanates from his stereo and beyond. Put on the threads, turn down the lights, turn up the jukebox. Artie’s on a voyage of fun and discovery as he loses himself in his very own Indian summer.

Coming this Spring, a debut novel by Tales of Jazz contributor Rob Massey. More news soon! 

Out now! UP BEAT DOWN  by Danny Gray

ISBN 978-1-326-93582-5

Perfect bound paperback book, 99 Pages

Print Book: A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm).

Up Beat Down is a worthy successor to the earlier volume Beat Dimensions. It contains Cat In The Sack, Danny’s first real attempt at spontaneous rhyme, and many more which have been fired by a burst of inspiration, such as a phrase or a newspaper article. Some poems were influenced by the brilliance of John Cooper Clarke, who’s voice Danny could hear as he worked. There’s social observation here, a kitchen sink visit to reality, twenty-twenty-four style, with an emphasis on authenticity rather than what might be presented by the mainstream media. You’ll be taken to Paris, to a tourist landmark, but you won’t see it like you would in the brochure. You’ll go to a traditional English pub but it won’t be a picture postcard. You’ll encounter contemporary mores, contemporary bores, the trend for home deliveries and dialling a ride, the lives that are lived beneath a major flight path, a world where the use of AI is taking over. But there are contemporary inspirations as well. You’ll sing to these melodies. You’ll hear what spurs the muse, where it can take you if you write for yourself and don’t worry about restrictions. In the world unseen by the mainstream, you’ll feel the pulse of the imagination, the beat, the bebop, the soul. You’ll be taken to Soho, to the land of the absolute beginner, the home of the hip, you’ll touch the creases of the cloth, meet the hedonistic delights that take you to the moon and back. It’s all there in a phrase, a moment of truth that you will recognise, whether you knew it before or not. There are nods to modernism, art, culture, music. You’ll visit subculture, eighteenth century style. You’ll find a oneness with nature. There will be descriptions of reality, from the gentle pursuit of angling, so real in fact that you could almost be there, to the pleasures of plonk. There are personal recollections, innermost memories. Fears coming alive in the corridors of nightmares. The underclass personified in the decline of small towns. The blight of waste products littering the urban landscape. This is a book that brings Modernist Beat Poetry into the spotlight. As writer Jason Brummell says you need to , "Dig it and Dig in!"

Cover art by Graeme Webb

Foreword by Rob Massey

New edition of The Writer now available!

Out Now! Order today! Stock on the way!

Tales Of Jazz - Volume Three - Scenes in the City

Changes to the Newsletter.

As of September 2nd The Writer will no longer be a subscription. 

The newsletter will be available to read each month for free via a link on the Newsletter page. 

The Writer is a flip book that will be uploaded onto paperturn making it a virtual magazine. This will be shared via social media and will be available to everyone interested. 

Be sure to check it out each month so you are kept up to date. 

Wasted Youths? Fashions, fads and factions 73-93  by Jimm Leaf is the new Beatnpress Bestseller!  Wasted Youths? Fashions Fads and Factions 73-93 by Jimm Leaf

This August! Order today! #WastedYouths #newbook by Jimm Leaf 

The Writer has become a flip book! Read the latest edition, and subscribe for August's edition which will be sent directly to your inbox. 

Scan the qr code to go straight to it!

Temporarily sold out. More stock soon.

Wasted Youths? Fashions Fads and Factions 73-93 by Jimm Leaf

Temporarily sold out. More stock soon.

Wasted Youths? Fashions Fads and Factions 73-93 by Jimm Leaf


Raised on a diet of glam rock and chart pop, flares and tank tops, learning the rules and then learning there were no rules. Music and fashion going hand in hand, ever-changing. Taking sides, loyalties that would last for decades, spotting the next trend and moving on, then taking it a step further, getting ahead. Reaching 16 in ‘79, scanning the radar, faced with choices, plotting a new course, mod, ska, new romantic, rockabilly, goth, choosing which route to take and for how long. Wasted youths? takes us from young farmers’ club discos to the pubs of Camden Town via early ‘80s Oxford. The fashions, fads and factions that meant the world. A celebration of youth, lost loves, lost jumpers, missed opportunities and missed gigs, favourite shirts and dream shoes.

A new book by Jimm Leaf  coming soon.

Wasted Youths? Fashions, Fads and Factions 73-93 will be a superb memoir that many will identify with. Stylish, witty, and full of boyhood charm, teenage angst and ambition... 

The Writer - The Beatnpress Newsletter is a year old! 

A special edition of The Writer now available. Sartorial 65 Paul Weller Style, Five Decades of Cool is a book published by Redtyles Publications and features Beatnpress writer, Jason Disley. Subscribe to the Newsletter to find out more! 

Danny Gray's Beat Dimensions and Jason Disley's A Destination of Dreams now also available on Amazon. 

These two books are the first books in the Modernist Beat Poetry series featuring the Modernist Beat Collective - Danny Gray, Jason Disley and artist Graeme Webb.. Order here, or from other online retailers including

Subscribe to The Writer... 

A Destination Of Dreams will be launched on April 3rd at Big Poetry in Torquay. Jason Disley will be joined by various poets and special guest, author Jimm Leaf. Poet Robert Garnham will be presenting the evening. Becky Nuttall is the curator of the event and the venue is The Blue Walnut in Torquay, Devon. Doors open at 7.30 pm.


Perfect Bound Paperback


/ 2500)

A Destination of Dreams is Jason Disley's essential collection of Modernist Beat Poetry that continues to explore what is both real and surreal, along with the art of existence. Caught between thoughts of the past, musings of the present and an uncertainty of the future, Jason Disley’s poetry distils the questions of identity and purpose and the age-old existential problems of being and belonging, against a filmic backdrop of familiar urban images played out in short, literary scenes. His latest anthology is a hybrid- a poetic-musical gem, set out as an album of diverse, long-playing tracks, aptly matching his contemporary beat-style to familiar snapshots of life which seem as dreamy as they are real. In connecting us, Disley skilfully juxtaposes the reader’s imagination into an infectious stream of consciousness narrative which snaps with pace and jazzy rhythms. They are knowingly familiar. A Destination of Dreams catches the voyeur at the window, the sound of traffic on wet, city streets, and the mad philosophies of the professor of thought. Jason Disley continues to develop his poetry here, or is it there? His delicious wordplay will throw your imagination across the liminal spaces of human existence.

Pre Order for A Destination of Dreams by Jason Disley now live! 

Pre Order A Destination of Dreams from February 28th!  The new collection of Modernist Beat Poetry by Jason Disley


The Lost Notes by Diz now available from as a Kindle ebook!

Coming Soon! The new Modernist Beat Poetry Collection- A Destination Of Dreams- by Jason Disley. More news about this book coming soon... 

Incoming! The First in a series of Modernist Beat Poetry books.

Beat Dimesnsions by Danny Gray release date December 30th, 2023.


Available to order now! This is a great debut collection of poetry. Danny shares a personal collection of observations, and hopes as he takes in his experiences and shares a rhythmic and stylish look at life. He is one to look out for, and  Beatnpress are really happy to be sharing his talent. With a foreword by Jason Disley, and endorsements by writers  such as Mark Baxter, Paul J Hallam and Matteo Seddazzari - you know you are in for a treat. Books should be landing around the middle of December -and will continue ro be available in the  New year.  If you want to grab a copy before Christmas -get in quick. Books will be dispatched as soon  the printers allow.

Perfect Bound Paperback 

ISBN 978-1-4467-6899-0

The modernist and original Beat ethos of getting your kicks is never far away, and experience is everything. This is what makes Beat Dimensions highly relateable collection of Modernist Beat Poetry - for if you enjoy music, art and style you will admire Danny's personal perspective. He shows you the dimensions of his world, a world that draws on inspiration, improvisation and an intricate fluidity that is not unlike that of a great jazz album. So, take five - and enter this dimension, I am pretty sure it won't be last you will want to dive into.

'Dark and foreboding passages are weaved together with a promise of better days ahead, in an eclectic collection of poems. Earthy, rich and very much worth your attention.'

Tales of Jazz Volume Two: Listen Here -available to pre order now. Launch date is November 26th 2023.

Due to rising shipping costs as of Sunday 29th October 2023 -uk postage from our store will now be £3.00. International shipping will remain £7.00.

This December - a new Modernist Beat poet makes his debut. 

Danny Gray has written a great collection of poetry that drips with rhythm and wordplay. The radio presenter takes us into his world and different dimensions. Here is the front cover that features art by Graeme Webb. More announcements about this book in next months Newsletter. If you would like this month's newsletter - be sure to subscribe today! 

New Book coming soon 

Tales of Jazz Volume Two - Listen Here will be available in November. Following on from Volume One - more fantastic short stories that incorporate jazz. From the music, to lives and style that continues to be associated with the culture that expresses so many inspirations. More news in the coming weeks. 

Danny Gray's Stop Look & Listen show on Mad Wasp Radio supports Beatnpress and the new Tales Of Jazz series of books. Volume One - Out Of My Continental Mind is out now.  You can find out more about the radio show here by clicking on the images - 

New Monthly Newsletter 

Coming to Beatnpress a Monthly newsletter called The Writer. With updates and offers for its readers. Register today! 

Pre Order Nick's Gift by Becky Nuttall today


New Book Alert!

Coming Soon - Nick's Gift by Becky Nuttall. Beatnpress are thrilled to  be reprinting her poetry collection Nick's Gift.

Becky comes from an artistic and literary background based in Brixham Devon. She studied art in the early seventies but got diverted by literature and, latterly, the social development of adolescents. The research undertaken as part of her MA reconnected her to her own adolescence and its influences.

Coming from a creative family Becky was always drawn to imagery and how artists interpreted the known and unknown, the sacred and profane, the human, the humane and the inhumane. The convent she attended as a child and teenager was dominated by religious imagery, the secular world mostly ignored unless it mirrored conformity and patriarchy. These challenged her liberal upbringing. During her 1970s art school education her influences became rock music, fashion, feminism, popular culture, Dada, modernism and the places and objects her family loved, becoming symbols of love, conflict and loss. Becky creates the works to acknowledge these and the impact religious violence, guilt, piety, sainthood, patriarchal art history and conformity had on a young girl – considering how she challenged and interpreted these in her adolescence. Becky creates intertextual works in adulthood as she deconstructs and reconstruct the relationship between her education, Catholicism, her adolescence, her identity and her family’s creativity to create a new context in her own art. Becky is not a Catholic and although challenging, this has become an interesting collaboration. Her book is as artistic as her visual arts, in as much that she creates striking imagery with her words.  You can see more about Becky at


Available now! Tales of Jazz Volume One: Out Of My Continental Mind - An  exciting collection of short stories set around Jazz. 

ISBN 978-1-4709-7023-9

Perfect Bound paperback
Welcome to Tales of Jazz Volume One. This book is the first in a series of books that share fictional tales that have an association with jazz, whether it be Rag time, Bebop, Swing, Trad or Modern. Jazz funk or Acid Jazz - it doesn't matter what offshoot it is. The books are about conveying themes and experience. Each story has the energy of a music that thrills, or touches the soul. Influences are reflected by characters portrayed and share the inclusivity that music can bring. Like the Beat Generation of the last century, these very modern writers embrace rhythm, and experience, and sometimes share a spiritual element that is recognisable by other enthusiasts.

Writers Rob Massey, Nathan James Le-Bas, Jason Brummell, Pete Mckenna, Jason Disley and Paul Anderson take you into these jazz filled environments where music and life collides. Creativity like a piece of jazz breathes life into each story, taking you on separate journeys that are a testament to music and lifestyle. 

ISBN: 9781471027789

Pages 98


Interior ColorBlack & White

Dimensions A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)

By (author): Ross Maclean-Bryant, Foreword by: Jason Disley

A Smorgasbord of Curious Novelties &  Other Nonsensical  Bric – a- Brac is Ross Maclean-Bryant at his best.  You, dear reader are going to be taken on a trip of seasides,  and free rides.  A  rabbit – hole of wonder and a book that is everything you would expect.  The variety of this Smorgasbord is tasty,  and I can not  recommend it highly enough.  So,  dive in to the ocean,  and follow the Chimp,  the Elephant in the room and the Giraffe on his motorcycle and the other characters Ross has created and know that this will be a book that you will revisit often. 

Robert Garnham's Woodview makes it into a best poetry books of 2022 list!

Beatnpress are thrilled to see that Robert's book has made it onto this list. This fine book of verse is exactly what Beatnpress is about. Poetry that needs to be read and shares both personal insights and observations of the world at large. Congratulations Robert! 


Check the full list here:


Woodview by Robert Garnham

£11.99 £5.99

Woodview by Robert Garnham

£11.99 £5.99

Perfect Bound Paperback 

©Robert Garnham 2022

‘Woodview is an evocative and sensitive collection of poems and prose that resonates with leaving childhood behind and searching for an identity. Robert is known for his wit and whimsical works, ever present here. Tenderly sitting beside these are the beautiful and honest poems in the section ‘A Person’ where Robert shows ‘the workings of my heart’. Woodview is Robert at his very best’.

Take It Or Leave It  Ebook!

The first ebook to be added to Beatnpress is Jason Disley's thrilling novel set in 1966. Take It Or Leave It by Jason Disley (ebook)

The Forgotten Whisper On The Wind by Jason Disley Out Now! 

A tale set in 1950s Hollywood, The Forgotten Whisper On The Wind, is a series of poems that tell of a difficult inter racial relationship brought to a tragic end, it is a detective story dripping with blues and jazz rhythms. Evoking the LA of Raymond Chandler, The Forgotten Whisper On The Wind has crimes, passion and a pulse to it. Available now from and other places soon. .

A poem from Woodview by Robert Garnham. Woodview will be available to purchase soon.

“If Jack Kerouac and Carlos Castaneda went on a road trip together, you would probably wind up with something not dissimilar to The Lost Notes. A beguiling transatlantic tale of jazz, spiritualism and Jim Morrison ” Claire Mahoney, Detail magazine.

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